Create Lifestyle and Livelihood Solutions Aligned to your Passion, Purpose and Love in Life

Get motivational stories and tips to help you stay in action towards manifesting your hearts desires

Motivation and Momentum Club

Making What Matters Happen – a monthly membership club with Lorraine Blackley

THE MOTIVATION AND MOMENTUM CLUB is designed to support adventuring souls to navigate their lives into greater, purpose, meaning, prosperity and fun. To bring those, big, hairy, audacious, goals, into being. Especially in our modern world where we easily loose our focus, forget and let our attention wander. Those belonging will, over time, experience a transformational journey of connecting to purpose, clearing restrictive patterns, going beyond known paradigms and working consciously with the creation process.

A facilitated journey of collaboration, idea generation and support. Bring your heart aligned goals to fruition. Manifest your enterprise projects and life dreams. A community of support listens, cares, keeps you focused, makes you braver, shares networks and resources, helps hold you accountable and reminds you of what really matters. Most of all it keeps you motivated and in action towards achieving what you want.


  • On joining receive a copy of my e-book, “Creative Adventures in Manifesting Reality”. An illustrated guide to a creative process that you can use to stay motivated and on track towards whatever it is you want to achieve.
  • Participate in a monthly online call with the other members to share and ask questions. On these calls there will be the opportunity to participate in hot seat coaching spots to generate ideas or move you past stuck places.
  • Each month Lorraine will design a personalized exercise to assist you progressing towards your desired outcome.
  • You will be sent a weekly ‘creation key’ outlining a different principle of creating each week to assist you staying true to your own creative nature and manifesting what matters.
  • Participate in a private members forum where you can connect and talk and share with others belonging to the club.

This is the place for you if you have a dream, something really big and important and scary? Not something like a holiday in Rorotonga or a silver soft top Audi.  Something deeper and more personal.  Something that runs in the rivers of your soul?  Something you know you have to do.  Something that if you got to your last moments you would regret not having given it your all.

Maybe it is a shift in the way you are living your life, an exciting business idea, a heart dream of some kind.  Maybe it is a deep desire for greater connection with who you are and what you are here for?

Since 1988 my full time occupation has been coaching and mentoring people to change their patterns of sabotage to patterns of support. My tool kit for supporting you to achieve what you want is full. In this club I can listen to what you want and to what keeps sabotaging your best efforts. I can share the knowledge and resources I have gathered and facilitate a collective experience to call forward what is needed for you to support yourself and each other 100%. In my experience collaboration is essential to bring real change and live into your fullest possibility and potential.

“It‘s simply been the best transformational year of my life.
Karen Balmer 


“Expect the unexpected.  It is not a linear process.
Deb Sawyer 


This is not about the achievement of material possessions alone, although that is definitely a part of the process. Ultimately it is about aligning to your true purpose and nature and using a creative process approach to find your inner well spring of motivation and momentum, supporting you to live fully, love deeply and create with enthusiasm what matters most.

You will learn the same processes Katrina learnt to begin her following transition:  Katrina Love Senn  gave up a corporate marketing position in Wellington and is now a Hatha yoga teacher, healer and author of the ground breaking book Losing Weight is a Healing Journey: A Woman’s Guide to Losing Weight Naturally.  She is also the founder of the Yoga Girl Revolution and runs health and yoga retreats in Italy, Greece, Turkey and the UK.

“I was very lucky to have had you as such an inspirational teacher and creative coach in my early life.  I loved the work we did together and value what I learnt from you! It was awesome.” Katrina Love Senn

JOIN THE CLUB:  Monthly membership $97

Ask to join by emailing:

Here is another example of a journey begun through a little creative adventures alignment: Marshall Smith gave up his corporate job to create The SoundRoom music production and composition business.  The SoundRoom produces music for bands, writes film scores, works internationally, generates a good income and Marshall is now living his dream. 

“Lorraine, I have found your work very straight forward, immensely practical and immediate in its effect. Your insight has given me real confidence.”
Marshall Smith – Director of The SoundRoom.

Come and join in.  Find support to manifest what matters most.

Email your interest to:
